6 Keys To Wilderness SurvivalThe Shield is not made on the Battlefield, unfortunately some people have found themselves in Survival situations and have not had time to benefit from prior knowledge on how to deal with the crisis. People debate whether having knowledge verses the most up to date survival gear is most important. The
latest and greatest survival gadget is a great asset but when that technology fails a little knowledge of primitive ways might be more of an advantage!

Know the 6 keys to Wilderness Survival
1. Knowing how to construct adequate shelter
2. Knowing how to signal for help
3. Knowing what to eat & where to find it
4. Knowing the three elements of a fire and how to build and maintain it
5. Knowing how to find, capture water and how
to prepare it to be safe to drink.
6. Mindset (Having the will to live)

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Stop, think and evaluate your situation come up with a plan and execute.