New Participant Questionnaire.

The FREEMAN Ancestral Survival Skills Training Camp strives to honor and celebrate our Rich Heritage by learning some of our ancestors indigenous survival ways. Knowledge in these Old ways is essential and useful when placed in life threatening situations, where an absence of these skills may prove to be a difference.

The information compiled in the questionnaire is designed to give us the highest possibility of insuring, that the attending participant feels welcomed and that we maintain our programs goals and objectives. Our Motto “Reclaim and Retrieve the Indigenous Skills of our Ancestors” is our humble attempt to practice Sankofa; by trying to provide as much of an authentic experience as possible, your answers help us determine the spirit of the incoming class and help up set up the various scenarios in honoring our Ancestors from which we will teach.


NOTE: We have open enrollment; however, if necessary there is a possibility for a phone interview to conduct portions of the registration process.

To request a phone interview, please email us at
(Please allow up to 24 hours for a return call to confirm.)
Most Questionnaire information is destroyed after the camp is over, however, we do retain some information for our records to keep track of our returning participant levels. (Please email all concerns & any questions not answer in our Q&A to

“We prepare in order to become ready we are ready because we have prepared”

If you desire, the pre-registration portion can be conducted via a phone interview.


**You mayonlysend a head shot photo, for questions not answered. (Passport type)